TCAP StackUp: Bankless (BED)

Does the sheer number of different cryptocurrencies make your head spin? Or perhaps keeping track of the taxable events while rebalancing your portfolio and having to shell out for gas fees has you down? Enter crypto index tokens: offering broad crypto exposure, savings on gas fees, and automatic rebalancing - all to make your investing journey easier. However, as always in crypto, there's more than one option to choose from; let's dig into the BED Index (BED) and Total Crypto Market Cap Token (TCAP) to see how they stack up.

tcap stackup bed

  • Are you new to crypto or unsure which tokens to buy, but believe in the long-term growth of the crypto asset class and want broad exposure to it? - TCAP might be for you.
  • Are you looking for broad exposure to the largest market cap cryptocurrencies, including the well known Bitcoin and Ethereum, in a single asset? - BED could be a good option to consider.
  • Or perhaps you've called the top of the bull market and you want to open up a short position? - Both BED's and TCAP's minting capabilities offer this to advanced users.

Certainly there are other considerations to keep in mind for your particular situation as well. But when you're evaluating index token options, whether they be BED, TCAP, or something else, make sure you keep these key considerations in the back of your mind. Don't forget to stay tuned into Cryptex for more crypto index StackUps.

About the Tokens

BED Index (BED)

The BED Index, by Bankless and IndexCoop, is a digital asset index. Bankless proposed that the Index Coop manage a TokenSet based on an index of Crypto’s most investable assets, BTC, ETH, and DPI, in equal weight. DeFi Pulse Index (DPI) is a capitalization-weighted index that tracks the performance of decentralized financial assets across the market. To see DPI's asset holdings, visit

This construction—known as the BED Index or Bankless BED Index—seeks to give safe, passive exposure to a vehicle that captures equal-weighted upside from the most promising use cases and themes in crypto: store of value, programmable money, and decentralized finance. BED rebalances monthly with a target allocation of 33% of each BTC, ETH and DPI. For more information, visit

Total Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization (TCAP)

Total Crypto Market Cap Token (TCAP), by the Cryptex team, is designed to give investors accurate, real-time price exposure to the total capitalization of the cryptocurrency market via a single, synthetic asset. Data from a number of oracles is aggregated in order to establish a total market cap median value, which is then bridged on-chain through an audited Chainlink Smart Contract.

TCAP rebalances in real-time and by design includes everything: DeFi, DeFi Indexes, Stablecoins, Governance Tokens, Asset-back tokens, and wrapped tokens. For more information, visit

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  1. NO ICO
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