Cryptex Extends Single Side Staking Rewards & Updates

Today, 10/13, Single Sided Staking (SSS) rewards have been extended.

12,655 CTX have been added to the SSS pool for the next 3 months.

This extension comes from the core contributor multi-sig earmarked since genesis for such rewards and not from the Cryptex DAO treasury, which remains locked and only accessible via passing of on chain votes by the community and its protocol delegates.

This renewal marks 1 year of single sided staking, with a total of 97,965 CTX rewards to Cryptex DAO members delegating their CTX for voting during this time period.

Delegated CTX to this pool remains at record highs with 878,924 CTX.

Any core contributor CTX delegated to this pool are for voting only and are NOT staked to earn additional CTX rewards alongside members of the DAO community.

The Cryptex DAO plans for single sided staking to be with us for the duration of the protocol and thanks its Crypt Keepers (protocol delegates) for their feedback in this recent rewards extension.

To hear more about Single Side Staking Rewards as well as read about our Q3 update, click here.

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