Cryptex V2ARB

ARB Perpetuals.

Now live on Cryptex V2.

Exclusively on Arbitrum

ARB/USDC is the fourth Perpetual Market launched on Cryptex V2, following TCAP/Total Crypto Market Cap Perpetual and PERPE (PEPE) and ETH.

Powered by Perennial Labs, this integration currently provides V2 system users with $303,582 in available liquidity for ARB/USDC.

ARB/USDC currently charges zero Maker fees, with a 0.20% Taker fee paid entirely to Makers.

Please note:

  • V2 is entirely owned and operated by the Cryptex DAO.
  • Access to V2 is restricted for users in certain jurisdictions.
  • This is not an offer to sell tokens and is not investment advice.
DISCLAIMER: Any views expressed in this post represent the sole analysis of Cryptex, (“Cryptex”) whose opinions are based solely on publicly available information. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein. Cryptex expressly disclaims any liability based, in whole or in part, on such information, any errors therein, or omissions therefrom. Cryptex also reserves the right to modify or change its views or conclusions at any time in the future without notice. Cryptex is an open-source, fully decentralized protocol. v2 is not available in any restricted jurisdictions. Cryptex is NOT an ICO. No sale has been solicited. The information contained in this post DOES NOT recommend the use of any Cryptex token, nor is it an offer to sell a solicitation, or an offer to buy any Cryptex tokenized asset. Furthermore, CTX token rewards governing the protocol are granted by Cryptex to system providers with a value of ZERO. Always do your own research. The information contained in this post is not intended to be, nor should it be construed or used as, investment advice. No representation, recommendation, or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the future performance or functionality of any Cryptex token. Any unaffiliated use of this document, or the contents herein, is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Cryptex.
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