Cryptex πARB
Introducing π
November 29, 2023 | Voith
Here's a break down of what's new:
- The protocol is built on top of low latency on-demand oracles. This means that trades are no longer constrained by the long waiting periods for oracles to update on-chain.
- Trade up to 100x leverage compared to 25x in the previous version.
- Supports multiple order types like limit orders, market, stop loss, tale profit, etc. A keeper needs to execute these orders when the market conditions are met in exchange for a small fee.
- The market contract is now bidirectional i.e the long and short can be done from the same contract.
The previous version had separate contracts for long and short.
- Takers are first matched with other takers (longs matched with shorts), then with LPs to fill the gap.
LPs take the opposite side of unmatched trades, which could be long or short exposure.
- The funding rate now uses a PID mechanism that is much better at adjusting to market shocks vs the utilization curve that was used in the previous version.
- Fees are variable based on what impact the order has on the market. This can be used to increase the cost of large buys/sells to defend against market manipulation and add additional incentives for a balanced market.
- Vaults support multiple markets. You can provide liquidity to the vault through a single interface and the vault will then distribute the liquidity to multiple markets.
Please note:
Access to π is restricted for users in certain jurisdictions.
This is not an offer to sell tokens and is not investment advice.
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